
To ensure complete and holistic development of sericulture in Uttarakhand state.

To improve managerial and technical skills through training and input supports.

To generate employment opportunity for rural masses.

Exploitation of locally available natural grown silkworm host plants for economic development of rural masses.

Participation of women and BPL families in sericulture development programs.


Production of 2-A grade raw silk.

Tie-up of weaver cluster with raw silk production units.

Emphasis on value addition and the development of the state as a producer state as well as a consumer state.

Increase in the present income of rearers through silkworm rearing to an economically viable level by introducing one additional silkworm crop.

Adoption of different multiple models of sericulture development, depending on the available potentials and suitability of the region.

Development of forest-based Vanya Silk (Oak tasar, Muga, and Eri).

Increase in silkworm host plant wealth through Van Panchayat and Forest Department.

Promotion of organic sericulture and water harvesting devices in the sericulture program.

Blending of various types of silk yarn with traditional/natural yarn produced in the state.


Suitable climate for the production of high-quality bivoltine silk.

Climate & socio-economic conditions are suitable for the production of all four types of silk.

Availability of mulberry trees on bunds and courtyards of farmers.

Availability of naturally grown food plants.

Good research and seed production base and infrastructure of the Central Silk Board in the state.

Availability of sericulture societies, SHGs, NGOs, etc.

Availability of cocoon market and reeling units.

Departmental Strategy

Communitization of departmental farms.

Formation of Self-Help Groups.

Involvement of the private sector/NGOs.

Emphasis on quality production.

Training and skill up-gradation of departmental staff.

Development of silk weaving.

Exploitation of available food plants for the development of Vanya Silks.

Development of sericulture through Centrally Sponsored Schemes.


Cocoon markets function on an open auction system.

A revolving fund of Rs. 2 crores with a 50% share from CSB has been created to ensure spot and cash payment to the rearers.

Computerized database of each rearer is being maintained.

Rearers are ensured cash payment on the same day.

Policy Reforms

Oak tasar culture in upper hills and mulberry sericulture in Doon valley and Tarai.

31 Government farms have been communitized to sericulture societies and SHGs.

Involvement of NGOs for effective extension.

Formation of Uttarakhand Co-operative Resham Federation.

Leasing out of growth centers (Reeling units) to entrepreneurs for their capacity building.

Raw silk production only on multi-end reeling machines.

New Initiatives

Promotion of “Vanya Silks”.

Promotion of farm-to-fabric concept/activities for value addition.

Consultancy of Chinese experts for qualitative and quantitative improvement of sericulture.

Establishment of silk park for the promotion of post-cocoon activities.

Extension of sericulture program on a cluster approach.

Strengthening of government silk farms, especially in the upper hills.